Unlocking LiveChatInc Live Chat: A Comprehensive Software Review | Greechat

Software Review: LiveChatInc Live Chat
LiveChatInc is an excellent live chat software program offering online businesses a doorway to maximising online sales and website effectiveness.
But is it everything your business needs on its own?
With a host of tools and customisation options, running LiveChatInc on your website will require dedicated internal resources to set up, monitor, maintain and report. Your resourcing will need training, time to adjust, ability to understand and troubleshoot. This is a big investment for a business’ first foray into live chat software support.
LiveChatInc is a live chat software program that can help boost online sales and website effectiveness. It is a full-featured live chat solution that allows you to easily engage with your customers while they are browsing your website.
Live chat is a great way to answer customer questions quickly, and it’s especially helpful when you’re trying to get people on a website or app. The idea behind live chat is that it’s an interactive, real-time tool that lets you talk with a customer right when they have an issue or need help.
Live chat can also be used for proactive communication with customers once they’ve signed up so that you can keep them informed about upcoming changes or new features.
Another benefit of live chat is that it doesn’t require customers to wait around for email responses; it allows them to ask questions and get answers in real time. This means that customers don’t have to wait around for a response from you!
How LiveChatInc Works – The Basics
LiveChatInc works by adding a small chat icon next to any form that you wish to be available for live chat support. When someone submits the form, they will be prompted with a pop-up window asking if they would like to speak with an agent immediately or schedule an appointment for later in the day (or another time).
Once they choose one of those options, the agent will be notified that there is an incoming request for assistance and can then begin chatting with them immediately through the software interface provided by LiveChatInc.
One thing we noticed is that running it requires dedicated internal resources, training, time to adjust, the ability to understand and troubleshoot, and a dedicated team of sales agents to monitor and report on its effectiveness.
You could either outsource these needs to a suitable company or do internal sourcing – both solutions will cost you more time and money as you try and figure out how to go about your live chat resource.
When choosing a live chat solution, It’s important to find one that aligns with your overall strategy so that you’re not spending more money than necessary on something that won’t help you meet your goals.
It’s vital to ensure that whatever solution you choose has enough flexibility to change as your company grows over time. If you’re looking for a new way to connect with your customers, or simply want to improve the experience you provide, then live chat is definitely the answer. After all, live chat can increase sales, reduce support tickets and help you build a long-lasting relationship with your customers.
The problem you may be facing is which live chat software is the best one for your company as you and your employees work towards expansion. Greechat may be the answer to your woes.
What makes Greechat different?
Greechat’s live chat software is packed full of great features that make it easy to set up and get started right away. It’s simple to install and easy to use. There is no need to download any software or add extra pages to your website; all you need is an internet connection and a browser!
Our live chat system also comes with a dedicated team of sales agents who will manage, monitor and report on its effectiveness, so you can rest assured that your campaign is being handled by experts who know what they’re doing!
The software can be customised to reflect your company’s logo and/or brand colours keeping the experience consistent for your online visitors. The customer service representative can also be seen by others in the same room as them, allowing them to collaborate on helping solve problems together.
Greechat offers a variety of features, including the following:
- Support desk – allows you to create support tickets for customer service issues that need to be addressed immediately; this feature will automatically send emails with all the details needed to get started straight away
- Live chat – allows visitors to chat with a live person while they browse through your website; this can be used as an alternative method of communication when emailing is not suitable (e.g. price enquiry)
- Incoming messages – allows customers to send messages while browsing through
We offer a fully managed, cloud-based live chat for support. You won’t have to worry about coverage during traffic spikes. You won’t have to worry about ensuring there’s someone available outside business hours. You won’t have to worry about complex code setup or maintenance. Greechat offers a fully managed solution ensuring your business only ever sees results.
We built Greechat with the goal of providing businesses with the best possible customer service experience at scale. Our platform allows you to easily integrate any messaging platform with our easy-to-use interface, giving you access to all the same features of our core product.
We also offer an application programming interface (API) that allows developers and businesses to integrate their own software with our platform. This allows them to create custom integrations and customise their own experience for customers, employees, partners or internal teams
Additionally, your business is completely managed independently, minimising your risk and slashing the costs of your internal resources while receiving on-point sales agents.